Technology Department » Technology Department

Technology Department


Our Technology Department works closely with staff and students to deliver reliable technology designed to enhance the learning experience at Bellwood Schools. Our goal is to create a learning environment that utilizes the best available technology to enrich and improve student learning as well as improve administrative operations.





Internet Use:

We believe the Internet can provide teachers and students with a wealth of educational resources. Along with this great privilege, we feel a tremendous responsibility to teach our young people to be responsible as they use it. We expect all to be familiar with and accept our district’s policy for acceptable use of this technology.

Technology Staff:
Harold Daniels
Director of Technology
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Kia Moody
Powerschool Administrator/SIS
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Michael Adetona
Network Administrator
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Vonswell Lathan
Technology Technician
John Sartori, Jr.
Technology Technician
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Amber Love
Executive Assistant